Monday, May 18, 2009

Camp Zarahemla, here we come!

The car is packed with everything we might possibly need over the next 4 days....excluding, of course, everything I forgot. (which could be a lot) The girls and I are off to commune with nature in the gentlest way possible, meaning that we are wimping it. (along with a bunch of homeschooling families from the Portland area Cabins, showers and electricity are my type of camping.  And most importantly, we're packing Grandma in.  Oh, beloved Grandma, who is coming along for the ride just to make sure that I come back with all six of the girls that I left with. (and maybe even with my sanity intact)  I think that this trip could be a little more relaxing if it didn't include a 1 year old that has discovered lately that she loves to roll in the dirt, eat the dirt and that even though she is deathly afraid of the bath, loves to try to drown in large bodies of water.   If we can keep up with her, I think my kids will come home as filthy as can be. (which, in Grandma Tunnell terms, means that they enjoyed themselves!)  So long until Friday. (Unless Chris does a hostile take over of my blog, which could be interesting.  Let's hope he doesn't.)

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