After a lovely dentist visit with a screaming child, I got to work on a project that I am copying from a source that I cannot seem to recall. It is a art gallery for the girlies, complete with frames of different sizes that are empty but have a metal clip attached to the wall inside the frame. Don't you worry. As soon as I get the clips in the mail, I will give you all fabulous pictures. I have been collecting frames (mainly gold intricate ones) from Goodwill and today I spray painted away. Because I am a top notch wife, I did not paint them red as I was inclined to do and stuck with white. I figure that the texture of the different frames is enough for me and I would have hated to have them burn in an accidental fire while I am out of town next week. So here comes the product endorsement. I always use this great spray paint from Fred Meyer's because of the beautiful colors it comes in and have thought it to be a great can of paint, until now. I found, hiding in my garage, this can of paint. This was after I had already spent a good 1.5 cans of paint on my frames, that were succumbing to much beading a dripping. (Yes, probably due to user error, but keep listening!) I pulled out this great can of paint that claims that it covers with twice the coverage and after using it, I must disagree. I think it is at least with 3 times the coverage. It was amazing. I spraying this to my many layers with the other paint and that was the end of my project. It was quite magical. The moral of the story? Always buy rustoleum 2x's spray paint because: IT ROCKS!
The next product up for review: The shark. Sounds menacing, eh? You have to be menacing to tackle my stinky dark wood floor. The good: Reusable pads, it uses water instead of some expensive and stinky cleaner and it cleans my floor easily and well. The bad: With all the steam, I was a little hot by the end of it. Maybe next time I will open a window. Maybe I will be able to keep my floor one level above disgusting now. Only time will tell, as the shark still requires a person to operate it. (Unlike my scooba, that either ran away with the roomba to elope or was stolen by our stinky movers.)
Lessons for today: If you want to spray paint (which you should because it is SO fun!), use Rustoleum 2x. If your floor is gross like mine was 15 minutes ago, use the shark. (I feel like there should be jaws music playing) You won't regret it. And if you do, please still be my friend. :)