Plain Jane Vanilla
Whimsical Dots
Ok. I am doing it. I am switching to corelle. I have always thought they were pretty ugly dishes, but here are my reasons for the big switcheroo.
A. They have come out with some pretty nice designs lately
B. My kids can't break them. (easily, at least)
C. They're better than the plastic IKEA plates we use every night for dinner
D. I want something kind of nice at our dinner table
E. My kids can't break them.
F. I can't break them.
Here is where I need your help. Which one do I go with? Do I go neutral (so I can match more of my cute Bend the Rules napkins) or do I shake it up a little with a semi-neutral design?
What do you guys think? I need some girly input on this one.
Hair Bag update (see how creative I am when it comes to names?) : The girls and I are going to vote tomorrow. We'll fit it in somewhere in between appliance shopping (yes, I need a fridge by Saturday) and the zoo. We'll let you know once the democratic process at the Kang's is complete.