Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to the coolest of the Tunnell Chics

She's got style and the big heart to top it off.  My sweet baby sister, Rachel.  You've gotta love her and all of her funkiness.   Big Rachel (referring to her age compared to our Rachel, not to her size because that would be inaccurate and quite mean) is the fun aunt that all of my girls love.  She is the aunt that dropped everything to come down and take care of my girls, with a mother's love, when I was camping out in the hospital for most of September.  She is the sister that sent me homemade ketchup and bbq sauce made with agave sauce when I had gestational diabetes.  She offered to come down and take my blood when I was worried about it.  She's got your back.  She is also my sister that is coming to visit tomorrow and I can't wait!  We are going to party hardy all 3 days long.  And since I don't think she will be checking the blog tonight, here is a sneak peak of her birthday present.  Not the best pictures, but this is a grocery bag (made from curtains and fully lined) with 3 more grocery bags inside of them.  Grocery shop your green little heart out in style, little sis!


Annalia said...

ok. that is WAY too cute to use for groceries. i think she'll just have to use it for EVERYTHING!
You guys have fun!

Keira said...

Ooooh. Love that fabric. I agree, it looks very multi-use to me too...

Paige said...

That is such a cute bag! What a great idea...I like that much better than bags with store names on them!

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah.
I just can't tell you thank you enough for the darling memorial necklace with "Brad" stamped on it, and the little pearl. I wear it all the time. I love it very much. I LOVE YOU!! Thank you so much, Candy

Anonymous said...

awww Sarah, your so sweet to me! I love you woman =) and I take those bags everywhere - they are so handy! I've never felt so fashionable hauling things around, I love 'em.